About KlocMade

I'm Howard Kloc, owner and the only person at KlocMade.  I started woodturning about 20 years ago and over those years, I have developed my personal style and design.

Woodturning is a humbling adventure. It starts with years of learning how your tools work and noticing how the slightest change in its’ angle or height when it touches the wood makes a difference. In the early years of learning, those learnings often became “disasters.”

I appreciate your spending time to look at what I have created and now offering for sale. If you are interested in have a custom piece created, please drop me a note through the contact page.

Questions I get asked about my craft…

How do you create? What is the process?

I start by looking at a piece of wood or log and visualize what a final shape could be then try to figure out how to achieve that shape. Next I mount it on my lathe and start to take away wood that is not needed. As this wood is removed, the shape begins to evolve and rarely it is what I initially envisioned but something more sophisticated and developed. As the process continues, I work details into the design and think about what finish to use on the piece to highlight the beauty of the wood and enrich the piece.

 Does your artwork represent something about you?

Patience; the patience and years it takes to become a good woodturner. The process is painstaking and no steps can be rushed or skipped. Just learning those rules alone takes years of building and practicing patience. The patience to understand and learn how your tools work with the ultimate goal of being able to translate the image in your head into a piece of sculpted wood with simple design and inner beauty.